Hello to you all in 2020!


Happy New Year, my wonderful readers!

I hope your Christmas was wonderful and so were the New Year’s celebrations.

I think January is a good time to reflect on the past year and dream about what the New Year will look like?! For me, personally, 2019 was a challenging year. With the arrival of our second daughter, life was flipped upside down and it brought us many new challenges, as well as many beautiful moments. In terms of business, I think we had our day-to-day usual challenges which fortunately were relatively quickly solved, thanks to the many wonderful people who work with us!

What will 2020 bring? Personally, I’d like to learn to manage my time better, travel to some beautiful places, and accomplish some personal goals (yes, language learning is one of them!). Business-wise, I think I’d like our school to continue having the rich choice of morning, afternoon and evening courses that we run, and to expand our individual tuition and corporate offers (details are available on request and are aimed at meeting your specific language needs).

BTW, do you know we’re starting our WINTER LANGUAGE COURSES very soon? On Monday 13th January 2020! You can join one of more than 60 language classes, study 11 different languages and join our evening, morning or afternoon courses (yes, we’re spoiling you with our winter course choice!).

If you haven’t enrolled yet, join our language courses now and register here!

Wishing you a wonderful New Year & hope to see you soon!

Lots of love,


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