Old and New: Reflections on 2017 and Resolutions for 2018!


And January arrived, the time when we think of what we achieved in 2017 and want to change or improve in our life in 2018. I personally find it mentally healthy to make this old-new review, as it helps me to stay focused, appreciate my achievements, reflect on mistakes and draw on big goals I want to accomplish in the coming year.

Let’s start with 2017. We created a lot of content for you, as every Wednesday throughout 2017 a new blog post was with you! We visited some amazing parts of the world, gave you advice on learning and teaching languages, reviewed some interesting books and interviewed wonderful individuals whose work involves using foreign languages. We also started recording some videos which are available through our YouTube channel.

What will 2018 bring? Our plan for 2018 is to continue creating weekly blog content, from inspiring travel reports and interesting book reviews to innovative teaching advice and smart language learning ideas. There will be some video interviews, too…

BTW, if there are some topics you would like us to explore, let us know in the comments below.

Happy New Year 2018!

Written by Kinga Macalla

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