Bye bye to our school’s building…



How have you been? We’ve recently completed another amazing term here at Bristol Language School. Thank you for attending our spring language term!

I’m excited to let you know that our boost and autumn language courses are coming up, and you can enrol on the our language classes via our website. 

The school’s building

Our school’s building is no longer ours. Yes, the church decided to pursue other projects there and we won’t have access to it anymore. It’s sad, as it was our school’s building for nearly 10 years! The school was created here and expanded over those 10 years. In this period, we added 3 extra rooms to the original 3 classrooms, and created a small reception area. There were parties and events we celebrated together. The place created a space for us to run language classes with an amazing team of language tutors, and with the most loyal language students. I’m grateful for this. THANK YOU building managers for making it all possible. We wish you all the best for your future projects.

New premises?

We’ll continue running online lessons, as it’s convenient for our language tutors and students. However, it’d be good to have this option of having in-person classes, so we are also trying to find a new solution for running face-to-face teaching. We’ll start with individual tuition, so please watch this space, as well as our website, for updates and more details. 

We’re 10 years old in the autumn!

Yes, the school was established in August 2012! A little project that turned out to be an exciting hub for learning and improving language skills. I’m going to prepare a special newsletter that will collect many fond memories from the moment the school was founded till now. So please stay tuned! 

BLS party

And a party is coming up, too. Yes, we want to celebrate our school’s anniversary together and you’re invited to join us. It’s going to be on Saturday, 5th November from 4.30 to 6.30pm at Elmgrove Community Centre in Redland, Bristol (BS6 6AH). Save the date now, as we’d love to see you then!

Finally, I want to wish you a lovely summer break.

See you on our language courses soon. 

Lots of love,


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