
Book review: Bilingual Success Stories Around the World by Adam Beck

I reviewed Adam Beck’s book on bilingualism four years ago (here) and recently came across another of his publications titled Bilingual Success Stories Around the World. This time the author interviewed 26 families for tips and advice for their bilingual success. It’s divided into three main sections: early years, primary...

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Book review: 7 Steps to Raising a Bilingual Child by Naomi Stainer

“When it comes to bilingualism, something is always better than nothing.” (p. 127) I like reading books on bilingualism; they provide me with inspiration and motivation when it comes to raising my own children bilingually. This book reminded me that bilingualism doesn’t just happen, it requires parents and family to...

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Book review: The Bilingual Brain by Albert Costa

“(…) bilingualism is the rule rather than the exception in the sense that the majority of the world’s population can communicate in more than one language.” Albert Costa What a fascinating read! To be honest with you, I didn’t expect to be taken on a such an interesting journey learning...

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Book review: Maximize your child bilingual ability by Adam Beck

Read, read, read. William Faulkner An essential guidebook to children’s bilingualism. It’s a practical handbook for parents wishing to get a grasp of bilingual upbringing, it answers many questions and provides a step-by-step guide to having a bilingual family. Adam Beck, the author of the book is an American living...

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Bilingualism: How can you home-school children bilingually?

The limits of my language are the limits of my world. Ludwig Wittgenstein Today, I’m bringing up a subject very relevant to our family: bilingual home-schooling. As schools remain closed, we parents need to educate our children, and those bringing their children up bilingually have an even harder task: to...

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Book review: Growing Up with Two Languages. A Practical Guide for the Bilingual Family by Una Cunningham

What a fantastic compendium of practical knowledge for bilingual families! I found the publication interesting to read, as it implements stories from the author’s own experience and quotations from bilingual families, and these make the whole reading experience much more alive and real. As we read on the back cover,...

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Book review: Language strategies for bilingual families. The one-parent-one-language approach by Suzanne Barron-Hauwaert

This is an interesting and useful publication for bilingual families. Mainly, because each chapter finishes with some comments from the parents on the topics discussed in the given chapter. I think it’s a very good addition to the research-based theory, the real voice of bilingual parents. What is the one-parent-one-language...

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Book review: Bilingual Games. Some Literary Investigations, ed. by Doris Sommer

Speaking another language is quite simply the minimum and primary condition for being alive. Julia Kristeva It’s a thought-provoking and fascinating read. Bilingual Games, edited by Doris Sommer, presents the idea of bilingualism from many different perspectives. The book is divided into 5 parts and each of them contains essays...

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Important questions about children’s bilingualism

With globalisation and the ease of travel, more often than ever people find themselves living abroad and living a multilingual and multicultural life. That is why raising my daughter bilingually was more a natural consequence of my life trajectory than a thought-through process. I read some guidebooks on bilingualism to have...

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Interview with Christina Andersen on bilingualism

Hello Christina, shall we start with a short introduction? Can you say a few words about yourself? My name is Christina and I am Danish. I lived in Denmark for the first 21 years of my life but I’d always felt drawn to England. I moved to the UK with...

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