
Book review: Chineasy. The New Way to Read Chinese by Shaolan

Learning a language is a journey. We love exploring different languages: how they work, look, and sound, and today we’re going to try Chinese. We’ll learn Chinese characters using Chineasy, a learning recourse created by Shaolan (Taiwanese now living in London). The idea behind Chineasy was born when Shaolan tried...

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Learning a Language: Learn Mandarin Chinese with BLS online & FREE!

As you remember, we introduced a new series of blog posts (see Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian & Portuguese) where we teach you some useful phrases in different languages. Sounds amazing? And it’s MANDARIN CHINESE today! Are you planning your beach holiday on Hainan Island? Do you travel frequently to...

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Book Review: The Accidental Asian by Eric Liu

Eric Liu is a monolingual American whose Chinese parents emigrated to the USA and lived there for the rest of their lives. In Liu’s memoir, The Accidental Asian, he presents a series of essays on ethnic identity, assimilation and “Chinese-ness ”. He chose topics that are particularly close to him,...

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Book Review: Growing up with Three Languages by Xiao-Lei Wang

Raising children bilingually sounds challenging enough, but trilingually? Xiao-Lei Wang and her husband decided to teach their children their heritage languages: Chinese and French, while living in the USA. They were very serious about this project and gave their full attention and creativity to make it work for their boys...

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